The last couple of weeks have all been about the making -I spend oodles of time on the interwebby stuff that sometimes I forget what it's like to get absorbed in the doing of it all. Inspired by these cute little crates from the Great Little Trading Company (www.gltc.co.uk) I'm working on a farmer's market style revamp for the blog and my etsy page...which involves some thought and planning! Keep your eyes peeled!
Anyway, for the crafty among you, why not hooky up something for the easter bunny...you know you want to!
For instructions, read on....

You will need:
A size 2.00 hook (or thereabouts)
1 x 50g ball orange wool (makes about 12)
Small amount toy stuffing or cotton wool
A small amount of green for stalks.
To Make:
In Orange:
- Ch4, jn with slstch;
- Ch1, 6dc into ring, jn end with slstch;
- Ch1, 2dc into each previous dc, jn with slpstch;
- Ch1, (working in a spiral), 3 circuits dc (a stitch marker may help you keep track);
- 2dctog, 2 circuits dc;
-2dc, 2 circuits dc;
-2dc, 2 circuits dc;
-Skip one, 7dc;
- Skip one, 5dc;
-Skip one, 3 dc;
- Skip one, 2dc;
- Fasten off.
-Use your hook to reshape the stuffing and pull it down into the tip of the carrot.
In Green:
-Wrap yarn several times around three/four fingers, then secure to form a tassel at one end.
- Trim leaving a 5 inch end for sewing.
- Insert into the top of the carrot, and secure at the base with the sewing end;
- Cut through the loops to form the stalky bits.
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